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Welcome to Descipher! Our Mission

Descipher™ is focused on the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). For the specialists and nonspecialists alike, STEM can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to apply to everyday personal, professional, commercial, and governmental problems. Let us help you decipher the technical world around you. The hierarchy of STEM is as follows:

Products of applied science
Application of science and mathematics to solve technical problems and to create new products
Discovery of knowledge about nature
Foundation of science

In recent years, the word "technology" has focused on computers, tablets, phones, and other devices. However, technology applies to all things that engineers create.

Knowledge Engineering

In the above hierarchical STEM Model, knowledge engineering is the use of computer technology to create knowledge products for decision-making. This is a skill set used to build AI applications. A similar hierarchy is relevant to this field:

Decisions based on relevant knowledge
Interconnections between information objects using logic
Inferences about the subject matter based on data analysis
Measurements in the subject matter domain

The elements of this hierarchy are in constant flux because of a changing world making some elements irrelevant and because of findings that determine some of the elements to be false. Not all data are measured correctly, not all information is true, not all knowledge connections are made correctly, and not all decisions lead to good outcomes.

Current Projects

Our major effort has been to develop health applications using proprietary medical artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms based on medical knowledge elements from the peer-reviewed medical literature. This approach was conceptualized in the 1970's and prototyped in the 1980's when personal computers were introduced but, until recently, AI has not been popular, especially in the health field.

Over the past decade or so, our primary application, the Argo™ Clinical Decision Support System, has been generalized from a mathematical viewpoint, making the knowledge base and inference structure applicable to almost any subject matter and computer environment with relatively simple maintenance and small memory footprint. It is based on the published medical literature and is continuously updated when new knowledge is available.

Argo™ Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)

This is a non-generative, non-rule-based, proprietary AI application. Its features include the following:

  • uses a deterministic (non-probabilistic) algorithm that gives the same result every time,
  • matches causes and effects in both directions,
  • is subject matter independent,
  • is language independent, allowing multilingual interfaces,
  • is capable of being trained by machine learning methods in real time, and
  • can be configured to run on almost any standalone computer including mobile devices without an internet connection

to name just some of its properties.

Argo BrainSTEM™ Blog Generator

With the recent popularity and access to generative artificial intelligence provided by OpenAI, we have developed a draft blog generator for STEM topics. These blogs are posted periodically under the Blog heading. You can generate your own blogs using the Argo BrainSTEM Blog Generator. We offer a free trial so that you can test it out and learn how to use it. After your free trial is over, a nominal fee is charged for additional draft blog posts.