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Disease and Condition Index for Ill-defined Conditions Name Permutations by Category and Letter
    A From abdomen pain, upper to azotemia, renal
    B From bacteremia to burning sensation
    C From cachexia to cyanosis
    D From death syndrome, sudden infant to dysuria
    E From E. coli bacteremia to exudative diarrhea
    F From facial pain to FUO
    G From gain, abnormal weight to growth spurt
    H From H. influenzae bacteremia to hypoxemia
    I From idiopathic hypersomnia to IV feeding
    J jaundice
    K From ketonuria to Kussmaul respiration
    L From laboratory analytical error to lymphoid hamartoma
    M From macroamylasemia, Type 1 to myoglobinuria, primary
    N From nausea to nutrition, total parenteral
    O From obesity hypoventilation syndrome to overeating
    P From pain on breathing, chest to pyrexia of unknown origin
    R From raised antibody titer to rigidity, abdominal
    S From S. aureus bacteremia to systolic pressure, low
    T From T3 low T4 syndrome, low to Type 3 macroamylasemia
    U From unattended death to use, prolonged tourniquet
    V From vasogenic shock to vomiting, self-induced
    W From Wassermann reaction, false positive to wound infection
    Z zinc shakes