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Disease and Condition Index for Mental Disorders Name Permutations by Category and Letter
    A From abuse, alcohol to autistic disorder
    B From barbiturate abuse to bulimia
    C From cannabis abuse to coordination disorder, developmental
    D From DCD to dysthymic disorder
    E From eating disorder to excessive alcohol drinking
    F From factitious disorder to furosemide abuse
    G From generalized anxiety disorder to geophagia
    H From habit, laxative to hysteria
    I From impairment, cognitive to IV substance abuse
    K From Kanner's syndrome to Korsakoff's psychosis, alcoholic
    L From laxative abuse to lysergic acid diethylamide dependence
    M From major depression to muscle tension headache
    N From neurasthenia to neurotic depressive state
    O From obsessional phobia to oxycodone dependence
    P From pain disorder, psychogenic to purgative abuse
    R From reaction, adaptation to rumination syndrome
    S From SAD to substance abuse, IV
    T From tenamfetamine abuse to tremens, delirium
    U urticaria, psychogenic
    V vascular dementia
    W From Wernicke's disease to withdrawal delirium, alcohol