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Disease or Condition — Infections and Parasites:
exanthum subitum

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Roseola is a viral infection caused by the human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) or human herpes virus 7 (HHV-7). It is most common in children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years old. Symptoms of roseola include a high fever that lasts for 3-5 days, followed by a rash that appears on the trunk, neck, and face. The rash is usually made up of small, flat, pink spots that may be slightly raised. Other symptoms may include swollen lymph nodes, runny nose, sore throat, and irritability. Roseola is usually mild and resolves on its own without treatment. However, if the fever is high, a doctor may recommend acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce the fever.

  • 'sixth disease'
  • HHV-6B
  • human herpesvirus 6B
  • pseudorubella
  • roseola
  • roseola infantum
Symptoms (patient's findings)
  • convulsions
  • fever
Signs (examiner's findings)
  • generalized enlarged lymph nodes
Basic Lab Tests (measurements)

Detailed Disease and Condition Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: