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Disease or Condition — Injuries and Poisoning:
friction burn

Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incorrect, or incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Explainabrasion is a term used to describe the process of explaining a concept or idea in a way that is easy to understand. It involves breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms and providing examples to illustrate the concept. It is a useful tool for educators, trainers, and communicators to help their audience understand a concept quickly and effectively. Explainabrasion is a form of active learning that encourages engagement and understanding.

  • abrasion

Detailed Disease and Condition Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: