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Disease or Condition — Heart, Blood Vessel, and Lymphatic Disorders:
ruptured congenital cerebral aneurysm

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Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the space between the brain and the thin tissues that cover it (the subarachnoid space). This type of stroke is usually caused by a ruptured aneurysm, a weak spot in a blood vessel wall that balloons out and fills with blood. Other causes of subarachnoid hemorrhage include head trauma, arteriovenous malformations (abnormal connections between arteries and veins), and certain types of tumors. Symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhage include sudden and severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and loss of consciousness. Treatment typically involves medications to reduce swelling and pressure in the brain, as well as surgery to repair the aneurysm or other underlying cause.

  • meningeal hemorrhage
  • ruptured berry aneurysm
  • ruptured cerebral aneurysm
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage
Basic Lab Tests (measurements)

Detailed Disease and Condition Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: