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Drug or Toxic Substance:
Do need help with a possible poisoning or toxicity?
Have you experienced a drug reaction?

Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Lysergide (LSD) is a hallucinogenic drug that is derived from ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is a powerful psychedelic drug that produces intense visual and auditory hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, and changes in perception. LSD is odorless, colorless, and tasteless and is usually taken orally in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid.

LSD is a powerful drug and can have serious toxic effects. These effects can include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dilated pupils, nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. Long-term use of LSD can lead to flashbacks, depression, and psychosis.

Associated brand names: Acid, Blotter, Dots, Microdots, Sunshine, Window Pane.

  • '25s'
  • 'acid'
  • 'aeon flux'
  • 'animal'
  • 'barrels'
  • 'battery acid'
  • 'Beavis & Butthead'
  • 'big D'
  • 'birdhead'
  • 'black star'
  • 'black sunshine'
  • 'black tabs'
  • 'blotter cube'
  • 'blue acid'
  • 'blue barrels'
  • 'blue chairs'
  • 'blue cheers'
  • 'blue heaven'
  • 'blue microdot'
  • 'blue mist'
  • 'blue moons'
  • 'blue vials'
  • 'brown bombers'
  • 'brown dots'
  • 'California sunshine'
  • 'chocolate chips'
  • 'cid'
  • 'coffee'
  • 'conductor'
  • 'contact lens'
  • 'crystal tea'
  • 'cupcakes'
  • 'deeda'
  • 'domes'
  • 'doses'
  • 'dots'
  • 'double dome'
  • 'electric kool aid'
  • 'Elvis'
  • 'Felix the Cat'
  • 'fields'
  • 'flat blues'
  • 'ghost'
  • 'golden dragon'
  • 'goofys'
  • 'grape parfait'
  • 'green double domes'
  • 'green single dome'
  • 'green wedge'
  • 'grey shields'
  • 'hats'
  • 'Hawaiian sunshine'
  • 'hawk'
  • 'haze'
  • 'head light'
  • 'heavenly blue'
  • 'instant zen'
  • 'L'
  • 'lason sa daga'
  • 'lens'
  • 'lime acid'
  • 'logor'
  • 'loony toons'
  • 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'
  • 'mellow yellow'
  • 'microdot'
  • 'mighty Quinn'
  • 'mind detergent'
  • 'optical illusions'
  • 'orange barrels'
  • 'orange cubes'
  • 'orange haze'
  • 'orange micro'
  • 'orange wedges'
  • 'Owsley'
  • 'Owsleys acid'
  • 'pane'
  • 'paper acid'
  • 'peace tablets'
  • 'pearly gates'
  • 'pellets'
  • 'pink blotters'
  • 'pink panther'
  • 'pink robots'
  • 'pink wedges'
  • 'pink witches'
  • 'potato'
  • 'pure love'
  • 'purple barrels'
  • 'purple flats'
  • 'purple ozoline'
  • 'rainbow'
  • 'recycle'
  • 'red lips'
  • 'royal blues'
  • 'Russian sickles'
  • 'sacrament'
  • 'Sandoz'
  • 'smears'
  • 'snowmen'
  • 'strawberry fields'
  • 'sugar cubes'
  • 'sugar lumps'
  • 'sunshine'
  • 'superman'
  • 'tail lights'
  • 'the ghost'
  • 'the hawk'
  • 'ticket'
  • 'Timothy Leary'
  • 'twenty-five'
  • 'vodka acid'
  • 'watercolors'
  • 'wedding bells'
  • 'wedge'
  • 'white dust'
  • 'white lightning'
  • 'white Owsleys'
  • 'window glass'
  • 'yellow dimples'
  • 'yellow sunshine'
  • 'ying yang'
  • 'zen'
  • LSD
  • lysergic acid diethylamide
  • lysergide
  • hallucinogen
  • street drug

Detailed Disease Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics from other web sources)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: