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Drug or Toxic Substance:
Do need help with a possible poisoning or toxicity?
Have you experienced a drug reaction?

Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Diamorphine, also known as heroin, is an opioid drug derived from morphine. It is a powerful painkiller and is used to treat severe pain, such as that caused by cancer or injury. It is also used recreationally for its euphoric effects.

Common side effects of diamorphine include drowsiness, confusion, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression. Long-term use of diamorphine can lead to physical dependence and addiction.

Associated brand names of diamorphine include:
  ▸  Diamorph
  ▸  Heroin
  ▸  Diacetylmorphine
  ▸  Diamorphan
  ▸  Morphinan-3-ol
  ▸  Morphinone

  • 'Al Capone'
  • 'antifreeze'
  • 'Aries'
  • 'Aunt Hazel'
  • 'ballot'
  • 'Bart Simpson'
  • 'big bag'
  • 'big doodig'
  • 'big H'
  • 'big Harry'
  • 'bin Laden'
  • 'black eagle'
  • 'black pearl'
  • 'black tar'
  • 'blows'
  • 'blue bag'
  • 'blue star'
  • 'bombs away'
  • 'bonita'
  • 'Bozo'
  • 'brain damage'
  • 'brea'
  • 'brick gum'
  • 'broja'
  • 'brown crystal'
  • 'brown rhine'
  • 'brown sugar'
  • 'brown tape'
  • 'bull dog'
  • 'bundle'
  • 'butu'
  • 'caballo'
  • 'caca'
  • 'calbo'
  • 'capital H'
  • 'carga'
  • 'carne'
  • 'chapopote'
  • 'Charley'
  • 'chatarra'
  • 'chiba'
  • 'chicle'
  • 'chieva'
  • 'China cat'
  • 'Chinese red'
  • 'chip'
  • 'chiva'
  • 'choco-fan'
  • 'cocofan'
  • 'cotics'
  • 'crap'
  • 'crop'
  • 'crown crap'
  • 'cura'
  • 'dead on arrival'
  • 'dead president'
  • 'diesel'
  • 'dirt'
  • 'dog food'
  • 'dogie'
  • 'doogie'
  • 'doojee'
  • 'Dooley'
  • 'doosey'
  • 'Dr. Feelgood'
  • 'dreck'
  • 'dugie'
  • 'duji'
  • 'dujra'
  • 'dujre'
  • 'dyno'
  • 'dyno-pure'
  • 'eighth'
  • 'estuffa'
  • 'ferry dust'
  • 'flea powder'
  • 'foil'
  • 'furra'
  • 'galloping horse'
  • 'gallup'
  • 'gamot'
  • 'gato'
  • 'George'
  • 'George smack'
  • 'glacines'
  • 'golden girl'
  • 'golpe'
  • 'good and plenty'
  • 'good H'
  • 'good horse'
  • 'H'
  • 'hache'
  • 'hairy'
  • 'hard candy'
  • 'Harry'
  • 'hayron'
  • 'Hazel'
  • 'H caps'
  • 'Helen'
  • 'hell dust'
  • 'Henry'
  • 'Hera'
  • 'hero'
  • 'heroina'
  • 'herone'
  • 'hero of the underworld'
  • 'hessle'
  • 'him'
  • 'holy terror'
  • 'hombre'
  • 'horse'
  • 'horse bite'
  • 'hot dope'
  • 'HRN'
  • 'isda'
  • 'jee gee'
  • 'Jerry Springer'
  • 'jive doo jee'
  • 'joharito'
  • 'jojee'
  • 'Jones'
  • 'joy'
  • 'joy flakes'
  • 'junco'
  • 'kabayo'
  • 'la buena'
  • 'la chiva'
  • 'little boy'
  • 'Mac'
  • 'manteca'
  • 'matsakow'
  • 'Mexican horse'
  • 'Mexican mud'
  • 'money talks'
  • 'morotgara'
  • 'mortal combat'
  • 'murotugora'
  • 'muzzle'
  • 'nanoo'
  • 'nice and easy'
  • 'nickel deck'
  • 'noise'
  • 'number 4'
  • 'number 8'
  • 'nurse'
  • 'ogoy'
  • 'old garbage'
  • 'old navy'
  • 'old Steve'
  • 'orange line'
  • 'pangonadalot'
  • 'peg'
  • 'perfect high'
  • 'Pluto'
  • 'poppy'
  • 'predator'
  • 'pulborn'
  • 'pure'
  • 'rambo'
  • 'raw fusion'
  • 'rawhide'
  • 'red chicken'
  • 'red eagle'
  • 'red rock'
  • 'reindeer dust'
  • 'Rhine'
  • 'rush hour'
  • 'sack'
  • 'salt'
  • 'scag'
  • 'scat'
  • 'scate'
  • 'scheck'
  • 'Scott'
  • 'second to none'
  • 'shit'
  • 'shoot'
  • 'silk'
  • 'ska'
  • 'skag'
  • 'skid'
  • 'slime'
  • 'smack'
  • 'snotty'
  • 'spider'
  • 'spider blue'
  • 'stuff'
  • 'sweet dreams'
  • 'sweet Jesus'
  • 'tecata'
  • 'thanie'
  • 'the beast'
  • 'the witch'
  • 'thunder'
  • 'tigre'
  • 'tigre blanco'
  • 'tigre del norte'
  • 'tongs'
  • 'tootsie roll'
  • 'top drool'
  • 'train'
  • 'vidrio'
  • 'white junk'
  • 'white nurse'
  • 'white stuff'
  • 'witch hazel'
  • 'WTC'
  • 'zoquete'
  • diacetylmorphine
  • diamorphine
  • heroin
  • analgesic
  • narcotic
  • opioid
  • opium alkaloid
  • sport doping
  • street drug

Detailed Disease Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics from other web sources)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: