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Drug or Toxic Substance:
'African black'
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Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Cannabis is a psychoactive drug derived from the Cannabis plant. It is most commonly used for recreational and medicinal purposes. Cannabis can be consumed in various forms, including dried flower, edibles, oils, and concentrates.

The primary active ingredient in cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis, such as euphoria, relaxation, and altered perception of time.

Cannabis can have both short-term and long-term toxic effects. Short-term effects include impaired coordination, difficulty concentrating, and impaired judgment. Long-term effects include an increased risk of addiction, respiratory problems, and mental health issues.

Associated brand names:
  ▸ Aurora
  ▸ Canopy Growth
  ▸ Cronos Group
  ▸ Tilray
  ▸ Aphria
  ▸ Organigram
  ▸ Hexo
  ▸ Green Organic Dutchman

  • 'Acapulco red'
  • 'Afgani indica'
  • 'African'
  • 'African bush'
  • 'African woodbine'
  • 'airplane'
  • 'Alice B. Toklas'
  • 'Angola'
  • 'ashes'
  • 'assassin of youth'
  • 'astro turf'
  • 'atshitshi'
  • 'aunt Mary'
  • 'baby'
  • 'baby bhang'
  • 'babysitter'
  • 'bale'
  • 'bamba'
  • 'bambalacha'
  • 'bammy'
  • 'bar'
  • 'BC bud'
  • 'belyando spruce'
  • 'bhang'
  • 'black Bart'
  • 'black ganga'
  • 'black gold'
  • 'black gungi'
  • 'black gunion'
  • 'black mo'
  • 'black moat'
  • 'block'
  • 'blonde'
  • 'blowing smoke'
  • 'blue de hue'
  • 'blue sage'
  • 'blue sky blond'
  • 'Bo'
  • 'Bo-bo'
  • 'Bobo bush'
  • 'bomber'
  • 'boo boo bama'
  • 'boom'
  • 'broccoli'
  • 'bud'
  • 'bullyon'
  • 'burnie'
  • 'butter flower'
  • 'Cambodian red'
  • 'Cam red'
  • 'Cam trip'
  • 'Canadian black'
  • 'canamo'
  • 'canappa'
  • 'cannabis tea'
  • 'cartucho'
  • 'catnip'
  • 'cavite all star'
  • 'charas'
  • 'charge'
  • 'cheeba'
  • 'cheeo'
  • 'chemo'
  • 'Chiago green'
  • 'chiba chiba'
  • 'Chicago black'
  • 'chira'
  • 'chocolate Thai'
  • 'Christmas bud'
  • 'chunky'
  • 'churus'
  • 'citrol'
  • 'climb'
  • 'cochornis'
  • 'colas'
  • 'coli'
  • 'coliflor tostao'
  • 'Colorado cocktail'
  • 'Columbian'
  • 'Columbus black'
  • 'cosa'
  • 'crazy weed'
  • 'cripple'
  • 'crying weed'
  • 'cryppie'
  • 'cryptonie'
  • 'CS'
  • 'Culican'
  • 'dagga'
  • 'Dawamesk'
  • 'dew'
  • 'diambista'
  • 'dimba'
  • 'ding'
  • 'dinkie dow'
  • 'dirt grass'
  • 'ditch'
  • 'ditch weed'
  • 'djamba'
  • 'do a joint'
  • 'dody'
  • 'domestic'
  • 'Dona Juana'
  • 'Dona Juanita'
  • 'don jem'
  • 'Don Juan'
  • 'doob'
  • 'doobee'
  • 'doobie'
  • 'doradilla'
  • 'draf weed'
  • 'drag weed'
  • 'dry high'
  • 'dubbe'
  • 'dube'
  • 'duby'
  • 'durong'
  • 'duros'
  • 'earth'
  • 'el gallo'
  • 'endo'
  • 'esra'
  • 'Fallbrook redhair'
  • 'fatty'
  • 'feeling'
  • 'fine stuff'
  • 'finger'
  • 'finger lid'
  • 'fir'
  • 'firewood'
  • 'flower'
  • 'flower tops'
  • 'fraho'
  • 'frajo'
  • 'fu'
  • 'fuma d'Angola'
  • 'gage'
  • 'gange'
  • 'ganja'
  • 'gash'
  • 'gasper'
  • 'gasper stick'
  • 'gauge'
  • 'gauge butt'
  • 'Ghana'
  • 'giggle smoke'
  • 'giggle weed'
  • 'goblet of jam'
  • 'golden'
  • 'golden leaf'
  • 'gold star'
  • 'gonj'
  • 'good butt'
  • 'good giggles'
  • 'good stuff'
  • 'goody-goody'
  • 'goof butt'
  • 'gorge'
  • 'grass'
  • 'grasshopper'
  • 'grata'
  • 'green buds'
  • 'green goddess'
  • 'greens'
  • 'greeter'
  • 'Greta'
  • 'griefo'
  • 'griefs'
  • 'grifa'
  • 'griff'
  • 'griffa'
  • 'griffo'
  • 'gunga'
  • 'gungeon'
  • 'gungun'
  • 'gunja'
  • 'Gyve'
  • 'haircut'
  • 'Hanhich'
  • 'happy cigarette'
  • 'harsh'
  • 'has'
  • 'Hawaiian'
  • 'Hawaiian black'
  • 'Hawaiian homegrown hay'
  • 'hay'
  • 'hay butt'
  • 'herb'
  • 'herba'
  • 'Herb and Al'
  • 'homegrown'
  • 'hooch'
  • 'hot stick'
  • 'Indian boy'
  • 'Indian hay'
  • 'Indo'
  • 'instaga'
  • 'instagu'
  • 'J'
  • 'Jamaican gold'
  • 'Jamaican red hair'
  • 'Jane'
  • 'Jay smoke'
  • 'jive stick'
  • 'joint'
  • 'jolly green'
  • 'joy smoke'
  • 'ju-ju'
  • 'Juanita'
  • 'Juan Valdez'
  • 'juja'
  • 'kabak'
  • 'kalakit'
  • 'kali'
  • 'Kansas grass'
  • 'Kate bush'
  • 'Kawaii electric'
  • 'Kaya'
  • 'KB'
  • 'kee'
  • 'Kentucky blue'
  • 'key'
  • 'KGB'
  • 'khayf'
  • 'ki'
  • 'kick stick'
  • 'kief'
  • 'kiff'
  • 'killer green bud'
  • 'killer weed'
  • 'kilter'
  • 'kind'
  • 'kind bud'
  • 'king bud'
  • 'Kona gold'
  • 'krippy'
  • 'kumba'
  • 'lakbay diva'
  • 'laughing grass'
  • 'laughing weed'
  • 'leno'
  • 'LG'
  • 'lid'
  • 'light stuff'
  • 'lima'
  • 'lime green'
  • 'LL'
  • 'llesca'
  • 'loaf'
  • 'lobo'
  • 'loco'
  • 'loco weed'
  • 'loose shank'
  • 'love weed'
  • 'lubage'
  • 'macaroni'
  • 'machinery'
  • 'Macon'
  • 'maconha'
  • 'mafu'
  • 'magic smoke'
  • 'Manhattan silver'
  • 'mari'
  • 'marimba'
  • 'Mary'
  • 'Mary and Johnny'
  • 'Mary Ann'
  • 'Mary Jane'
  • 'Mary Jonas'
  • 'Mary Warner'
  • 'Mary Weaver'
  • 'matchbox'
  • 'Maui-wowie'
  • 'Maui wauie'
  • 'Meg'
  • 'Megg'
  • 'Meggie'
  • 'messorole'
  • 'Mexican brown'
  • 'Mexican green'
  • 'Mexican locoweed'
  • 'Mexican red'
  • 'mighty mezz'
  • 'MJ'
  • 'MO'
  • 'modams'
  • 'mohasky'
  • 'mohasty'
  • 'Monte'
  • 'mooca'
  • 'moocah'
  • 'mooster'
  • 'moota'
  • 'mooters'
  • 'mootie'
  • 'mootos'
  • 'mor a grifa'
  • 'mota'
  • 'mother'
  • 'moto'
  • 'MU'
  • 'mu'
  • 'muggie'
  • 'muggle'
  • 'muta'
  • 'mutah'
  • 'mutha'
  • 'nail'
  • 'nigra'
  • 'northern lights'
  • 'number'
  • 'OJ'
  • 'pack of rocks'
  • 'pakaloco'
  • 'pakalolo'
  • 'Pakistani black'
  • 'Panama cut'
  • 'Panama gold'
  • 'Panama red'
  • 'panatella'
  • 'pasto'
  • 'Pat'
  • 'Philly blunts'
  • 'pin'
  • 'pocket rocket'
  • 'pod'
  • 'poke'
  • 'pot'
  • 'potlikker'
  • 'potten bush'
  • 'PR'
  • 'prescription'
  • 'pretendica'
  • 'pretendo'
  • 'Queen Anns lace'
  • 'railroad weed'
  • 'rainy day woman'
  • 'rangood'
  • 'rasta weed'
  • 'red bud'
  • 'red cross'
  • 'red dirt'
  • 'reefer'
  • 'righteous bush'
  • 'rip'
  • 'roach'
  • 'roacha'
  • 'rockets'
  • 'root'
  • 'rope'
  • 'Rose Marie'
  • 'rough stuff'
  • 'rubia'
  • 'ruderalis'
  • 'rugs'
  • 'salad'
  • 'salt and pepper'
  • 'Santa Marta'
  • 'sasfras'
  • 'sativa'
  • 'schwagg'
  • 'scissors'
  • 'scrub'
  • 'seeds'
  • 'sen'
  • 'sess'
  • 'sezz'
  • 'siddi'
  • 'sinse'
  • 'sinsemilla'
  • 'skunkweed'
  • 'smoke a bowl'
  • 'smoke Canada'
  • 'snop'
  • 'spliff'
  • 'splim'
  • 'square mackerel'
  • 'stack'
  • 'stems'
  • 'sticky icky'
  • 'stink weed'
  • 'stoney weed'
  • 'straw'
  • 'sugar weed'
  • 'super pot'
  • 'swag'
  • 'sweet Lucy'
  • 'taima'
  • 'takkouri'
  • 'tex-mex'
  • 'Texas pot'
  • 'Texas tea'
  • 'Thai sticks'
  • 'thriteen'
  • 'thumb'
  • 'torch'
  • 'trauma'
  • 'trees'
  • 'triple A'
  • 'trupence bag'
  • 'tustin'
  • 'twist'
  • 'twistum'
  • 'unotque'
  • 'viper"s weed'
  • 'wacky weed'
  • 'wake and bake'
  • 'weed tea'
  • 'whackatabacky'
  • 'wheat'
  • 'white-haired lady'
  • 'white Russian'
  • 'yeh'
  • 'yellow submarine'
  • 'yen pop'
  • 'yerba'
  • 'yerhia'
  • 'yesca'
  • 'yesco'
  • 'Zacatecas purple'
  • 'zambi'
  • 'zol'
  • canamo indiano
  • cannab
  • cannabis
  • cannabis indica
  • chanvre ganja
  • guaza
  • Hanfkraut
  • hashish
  • Indian hemp
  • marijuana
  • sedative
  • sport doping
  • street drug

Detailed Disease Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics from other web sources)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: