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Drug or Toxic Substance:
Do need help with a possible poisoning or toxicity?
Have you experienced a drug reaction?

Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Amphetamine is a stimulant drug that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It works by increasing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, which helps to improve focus and reduce impulsivity. Amphetamine can also be used to treat obesity, although this is not recommended due to the potential for abuse.

Common side effects of amphetamine include:
  ▸  Increased heart rate
  ▸  Increased blood pressure
  ▸  Nausea
  ▸  Headache
  ▸  Insomnia
  ▸  Loss of appetite
  ▸  Anxiety
  ▸  Restlessness
  ▸  Dizziness
  ▸  Dry mouth

Long-term use of amphetamine can lead to addiction, and can also cause serious mental and physical health problems.

Brand names associated with amphetamine include:
  ▸  Adderall
  ▸  Dexedrine
  ▸  Vyvanse
  ▸  Desoxyn
  ▸  ProCentra
  ▸  Zenzedi
  ▸  Dyanavel XR
  ▸  Evekeo

  • 'back dex'
  • 'bennie'
  • 'benz'
  • 'benzidrine'
  • 'black and white'
  • 'black beauties'
  • 'black birds'
  • 'black bombers'
  • 'black cadillacs'
  • 'black mollies'
  • 'blacks'
  • 'blue boy'
  • 'blue mollies'
  • 'brain pills'
  • 'brain ticklers'
  • 'brownies'
  • 'bumblebees'
  • 'candy'
  • 'cartwheels'
  • 'chicken powder'
  • 'Christina'
  • 'co-pilot'
  • 'coast-to-coasts'
  • 'crisscross'
  • 'crossroads'
  • 'cross tops'
  • 'crystal'
  • 'crystal methadrine'
  • 'dexies'
  • 'diet pills'
  • 'dominoes'
  • 'double cross'
  • 'drivers'
  • 'eye openers'
  • 'fives'
  • 'footballs'
  • 'forwards'
  • 'french blue'
  • 'head drugs'
  • 'hearts'
  • 'horse heads'
  • 'jam cecil'
  • 'jelly baby'
  • 'jelly bean'
  • 'jolly bean'
  • 'jugs'
  • 'L.A.'
  • 'leapers'
  • 'lid poppers'
  • 'lid proppers'
  • 'lightning'
  • 'marathons'
  • 'minibennie'
  • 'nugget'
  • 'oranges'
  • 'peaches'
  • 'pep pills''
  • 'pixies'
  • 'rhythm'
  • 'rippers'
  • 'road dope'
  • 'rosa'
  • 'roses'
  • 'snap'
  • 'snow pallets'
  • 'sparkle plenty'
  • 'sparklers'
  • 'speed'
  • 'splash'
  • 'splivins'
  • 'sweets'
  • 'thrusters'
  • 'TR-6s'
  • 'truck drivers'
  • 'turnabout'
  • 'uppers'
  • 'uppies'
  • 'wake ups'
  • amfetamine
  • amphetamini
  • anfetamina
  • desoxynorephedrine
  • phenaminum
  • amphetamine
  • psycho-analeptic
  • sport doping
  • stimulant
  • street drug
  • sympathomimetic

Detailed Disease Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics from other web sources)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: