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Drug or Toxic Substance:
'angel mist'
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Phencyclidine (PCP) is a synthetic drug that was developed in the 1950s as an anesthetic. It is a dissociative drug, meaning it produces feelings of detachment from one's environment and self. It is also known as angel dust, ozone, wack, and rocket fuel.

PCP is a powerful hallucinogen and can cause a range of psychological and physical effects. These include confusion, agitation, paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. It can also cause impaired coordination, slurred speech, and an inability to think clearly. In high doses, PCP can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

Brand names associated with PCP include Sernyl, Sernylan, PCE, and Phencyclidin.

PCP is a highly dangerous drug and can have serious long-term effects, including memory loss, depression, and anxiety. It is illegal in the United States and is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance.

  • 'amoeba'
  • 'angel'
  • 'angel dust'
  • 'angel hair'
  • 'angel poke'
  • 'animal trank'
  • 'animal tranq'
  • 'animal tranquilizer'
  • 'aurora borealis'
  • 'black dust'
  • 'black whack'
  • 'blue madman'
  • 'busy bee'
  • 'butt naked'
  • 'cannabinol'
  • 'cigarrode cristal'
  • 'CJ'
  • 'cliffhanger'
  • 'Columbo'
  • 'Cozmos'
  • 'crazy coke'
  • 'crazy Eddie'
  • 'crystal joint'
  • 'crystal T'
  • 'cycline'
  • 'cyclones'
  • 'Detroit pink'
  • 'devil's dust'
  • 'dipper'
  • 'do it Jack'
  • 'drink'
  • 'dummy dust'
  • 'dusted parsley'
  • 'dust joint'
  • 'dust of angels'
  • 'elephant trank'
  • 'embalming fluid'
  • 'energizer'
  • 'erth'
  • 'fake STP'
  • 'flakes'
  • 'fresh'
  • 'frios'
  • 'goon'
  • 'goon dust'
  • 'gorilla biscuits'
  • 'gorilla tab'
  • 'green leaves'
  • 'green tea'
  • 'happy sticks'
  • 'HCP'
  • 'heaven & hell'
  • 'herms'
  • 'Hinkley'
  • 'hog'
  • 'horse tracks'
  • 'horse tranquilizer'
  • 'ill'
  • 'illy momo'
  • 'K'
  • 'K-blast'
  • 'kaps'
  • 'killer joints'
  • 'KJ'
  • 'kools'
  • 'krystal'
  • 'krystal joint'
  • 'KW'
  • 'leaky bolla'
  • 'leaky leak'
  • 'lemon 714'
  • 'lenos'
  • 'lethal weapon'
  • 'little ones'
  • 'live ones'
  • 'lovely'
  • 'mad dog'
  • 'madman'
  • 'magic'
  • 'magic dust'
  • 'mean green'
  • 'mint leaf'
  • 'mint weed'
  • 'monkey dust'
  • 'monkey tranquilizer'
  • 'more'
  • 'new acid'
  • 'new magic'
  • 'niebla'
  • 'OPP'
  • 'orange crystal'
  • 'paz'
  • 'PCPA'
  • 'peace pill'
  • 'peace weed'
  • 'peep'
  • 'Peter Pan'
  • 'pig killer'
  • 'pit'
  • 'pits'
  • 'polvo de angel'
  • 'polvo de estrellas'
  • 'puffy'
  • 'purple rain'
  • 'rocket fuel'
  • 'scaffle'
  • 'scuffle'
  • 'sernyl'
  • 'sheets'
  • 'Shermans'
  • 'Sherm sticks'
  • 'skuffle'
  • 'slum'
  • 'smoking'
  • 'snorts'
  • 'soma'
  • 'spores'
  • 'star dust'
  • 'STP'
  • 'super'
  • 'super joint'
  • 'super kools'
  • 'super weed'
  • 'surfer'
  • 'synthetic cocaine'
  • 'synthetic THT'
  • 'T-buzz'
  • 'TAC'
  • 'taking a cruise'
  • 'tic tac'
  • 'tish'
  • 'titch'
  • 'trank'
  • 'wack'
  • 'white horizon'
  • 'wobble weed'
  • 'wolf'
  • 'worm'
  • 'yellow fever'
  • 'zombie weed'
  • PCP
  • phencyclidine
  • general anesthetic
  • hallucinogen
  • N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist
  • street drug

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