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Drug or Toxic Substance:
Do need help with a possible poisoning or toxicity?
Have you experienced a drug reaction?

Information displayed below is a subset of the entire knowledge base and may be incomplete intensionally or inadvertently. If you detect a serious error or want access to the complete knowledge base, please contact us.


Bergapten is a naturally occurring furanocoumarin compound found in many plants, including citrus fruits, celery, and figs. It is used in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Bergapten is also used as a sunscreen agent and as a flavoring agent in food and beverages.

Common side effects of bergapten include skin irritation, redness, itching, and burning. It may also cause photosensitivity, which is an increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Brand names associated with bergapten include Bergamol, Bergamot, Bergamotene, Bergaptene, Bergaptol, Bergaptone, Bergaptrol, Bergaptrolene, Bergaptrolol, Bergaptrolone, Bergaptrololene, Bergaptrololone, Bergaptrololol, and Bergaptrololone.

  • 5-methoxypsoralen
  • antipsoriatic
  • dermatological
  • psoralen

Detailed Disease Information (use the search buttons below to find details on these topics from other web sources)
All of the following must be considered when interpreting clinical findings and are too extensive to be covered on this site: