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Laboratory Index for Pleural Fluid Tests Name Permutations by Source and Letter
A From AAG to antinuclear antibody, fluorescent
B From BB-isoenzyme, creatine kinase to blood-tinged fluid
C From C3 to creatine kinase, total
D From dehydrogenase isoenzyme-2, lactate to dioxide partial pressure, carbon
E From eosinophil count to erythrocytes
F From factor, rheumatoid to fluorescent antinuclear antibody
G From G, immunoglobulin to green fluid
H From Hb to hydrogen ion concentration, log
I From IgE to isoenzyme-5, lactic acid dehydrogenase
K From kinase BB-isoenzyme, creatine to kinase, total creatine
L From L-lactate to lymphocytes
M From M. tuberculosis DNA to mucopolysaccharides
N From neutrophils to nuclear antibody
O From O2 partial pressure to oxygen partial pressure
P From pale fluid to pseudouridine
R From RBC to rheumatoid factor
S From segmented neutrophils to straw-colored fluid
T From T. whipplei DNA to tuberculosis DNA, Mycobacterium
V very-low-density lipoprotein
W From WBC to white fluid
Y yellow fluid