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Laboratory Index for Urine Tests Name Permutations by Source and Letter
A From 17-alpha-hydroxylase to aspartic acid
B From 17-beta-estradiol to butyric acid, gamma-OH
C From C-peptide to cytomegalovrius Ag
D From 2-6-diaminohexanoic acid to drug test, senna
E From 'Ecstasy' to excretion, net acid
F From F to fructose
G From 2-glutarate to guanosine monophosphate, cyclic
H From 17-hydroxycorticosteroids to hypoxanthine
I From I to isovalerylglycine
J From jiroveci immunofluorescence, P. to jiroveci immunofluorescence, Pneumocystis
K From 17-ketogenic steroids to kidney stone, uric acid
L From L-alanine to lysyl pyridinoline, free
M From 1-methylhistidine to myoglobin
N From N-acetyl-acetylglucosaminidase to nuclear matrix protein 22,
O From 17-OHCS to oxycodone
P From 1-5-pentenedioate to pyruvic acid
R From radiographic contrast media crystals to rust-colored urine
S From S-type alpha amylase to sulfonamide crystals
T From t-PA to tyrosine crystals
U From unclassified crystals to uroporphyrins
V From vaginalis, T. to volume, urine
W From W. bancroftii Ag to white count
X From xanthine to xylulose
Y From yellow urine, bright to yellow-orange urine
Z zinc