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Laboratory Index for Platelet Tests Name Permutations by Source and Letter
A From activator inhibitor-1, plasminogen to adrenaline
B biphosphate, phosphotidylinositol
C From cAMP to cyclic adenosine monophosphate
E From endothelial cell type PA-I to epinephrine
F fast-acting PAI
H From 5-HT to 5-hydroxytryptophane
I From IgM to inhibitor-1, plasminogen activator
M From magnesium to monophosphate, cyclic adenosine
N neuropeptide Y
O oxidase, monoamine
P From PA-I, endothelial cell type to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
S serotonin
T From t-PA inhibitor to type PA-I, endothelial cell
Y Y, neuropeptide